Well kids, the time as come. The time of the last game-inspired Franklin blog of the year. And oh, what a fun season we've had. 5 rings in a row! Can't get over it. Dynasty doesn't even come close. We have pwned the CCSL for half a decade. That's uberpwnage! So let's recap the fun of the past 2 weeks.
The All star game
Well, we sent Mickey, Adam, Candy, and Alice officially, but sent Buddy, Pickle, Nick, me, Ed, on top of that. Maybe others. The Management was drunk. Ed struck out. Good work Ed. Way to finish the season in stride. The Management almost struck out Brian Willmarth on a very hittable 20 foot arc pitch with 2 strikes. Sometimes the sun shines on a very pale white ass. Our side won, of course, and the Jeremy-less Tap Room had to settle for one more loss on the year. Just tack it on.
The Fan Appreciation Game (FAG)
Well, let's just say that Whiskey reared its super awesome head. What a great add! Phyllis Rabbit and La Nice showed up as did Nevins and free-agents to be Hanlon and Heather. Not a tremendous out of team showing but still pretty good. The rule of the game was that you had to be "at least this Buddy" to hit with a drink in your hand. So we did. And the Management had the best hit of the night when he popped a ball into left that made Pickle plow right though Memorial Nick. Terrific. Just terrific. Giggling ensued. Everyone got bombed and had a good time. We think.
Friendly against the Cherry Potters.
Well they talked a lot of shit, but in the end, pussed out of their bet. Good thing too otherwise we probably wouldn't have let Buddy try to lose the game. The Management drank rum before, during, and after the game. A new game of "destroy the base coach" was invented. And Lynch went 0-4 again to bring him up to 0-8 against the Forcs on the season. We totally Bensoned him. Yes we did. Cherry waitress Amy wouldn't talk to any of us before during or after the game. So it's safe to say that she'll be on the Tap Room next year. Possibly the Bad Touch. Pickle batted fourth. Buddy made us go to 18 fields before he settled on one. And Pat Wittwer looked like a kindergarten watercolor. Good times. Food at the Cherry was better than usual. The Management signed autographs for a full 9 seconds.
Don't remember a lot, so send 'em in.
"That redhaired girl scares me."
"Pat Wittwer is so orange that small children take bites of him after soccer practice."
"Signs we're not trying anymore....Pickle is coaching 1st."
"What's a hard creamer?"
"Here, let me show you."
Barb and Pat
"I'd watch porn over anything!"
Phyllis Rabbit