If you haven't made your way over to the blog for the Art Museum this year, you're missing out on the best writer the CCSL has seen since Bob Ford saw a murky reflection of himself in the bathroom at the Holiday Inn Express.
The staff at Catahoula are friendly and warm, so their website says. They must seek the same in any person looking to wear the name of their fine establishment. So, I'm wondering what Nick Ventrola promised. He probably turned on that infamous charm, promised the world to some desperate server, and will probably crush her leaving her in the wake of so many who have tried before. Not until after he pays her application fee to Temple University.
It's never easy seeing your ex. There is always the twinge of nervousness, perhaps jealousy to see they're happy without you. You hope they are just putting on an act, and they actually cry themselves to sleep after downing a bottle of gin. Perhaps there is some truth to it as the Catahoula Refugees came out to put a thumping on us both on the scoreboard and morally. After 6 innings, we are currently down 29-14. For all you gamblers that took the over, smart.

Now for a game recap.
We took a bit to get going. Buddy had a hit, so he keeps his beard, scored a run and recorded an RBI. (Ryan, did I just lead off the recap talking about Buddy? You bet your sore lower back I did.) It got us going. We hit a lot of singles, and that kept the runners moving. We got more hits (22) in this game than we had in previous games. Progress on offense is good.
Defense was a struggle. Tough to get set for the team with hitters who can hit the ball where ever they want, whenever they want to. Unless they are trying to catch the eye of a certain someone. In that case, he can't hit the ball without putting it on the other field. Play deep, they hit singles. Cheat in, and it goes over your head. We gave up 4 HRs. Lots of extra bases, still bad. However, Alyssa recorded her first out by punching Ventrola in the throat.
Odd and ends from the game.
Renardo still can't round 2nd base without tripping. Whitey, a.k.a. 2nd base, is always out to get him. Chelsea made a great play in the OF, and called me off before I ran into her. Paul didn't show up. Jess hung out on our sideline, while Derm played for the other team. Max ran the bases like a hero.
We will wrap up the 7th inning when we meet the Catahoula Jilted Lovers at a date TBD because somehow someone is getting married and having their honeymoon that week, and the commissioner didn't give a farg.
Stars of the Game
Admiral Buddy - got the offense going, gets to keep his beard
Maureen - double, run scored
Jason - 3 for 4, HR, 2 runs scored
Wiggs - 3 for 3, RBI, run scored
Max and Leo came!! (Yay Adrienne!)
Oh, wait. No one sent me any. Text quotes.
Here's a fun dialogue!
Ryan: Oh hey, Maureen. (awkward word vomit)
Maureen: *giggle snort*
Ryan: (swoons)
Alyssa and Barb: AWKWARD!!!!!
Ryan: (more awkward word vomit)
Mickey: That Moira is one lucky lady! Yes sir!
Alyssa: Ryan! Stop rattling my cage!
Moira: I'm sorry about this. I'm sorry I'm marrying him.
Max: Hey! Clap for me!
Boy, all this high praise is tickling me where my peeing parts are.