TFI has been busy as we wind down the school year, and gear up for summer. It's been so busy, blogging has not been a priority.
As a result, I haven't posted in a while. Best part about not posting for a while are the complaints I receive. Not from Franklin Force Teammates, but rather from other teams. It must be so nice to have such lax responsibilities at work and home to have the free time to complain when some other team hasn't updated their blog.
In the last few weeks, we have gone 0-3, and had a BBQ softball day in 100 degree heat. Charlie has gone missing, and his picture is on milk cartons throughout the Kansas as the only picture available was with him wearing his Wicked Witch of the West socks. As a team, we have improved even if the record hasn't. Close losses to the Zoo and P&P have given some boost in morale, but with other problems. Last night, we had a OF to IF relay practice, and it was good. We had a base running practice. During this, Wiggs and Chippy played a real life version of a computer flash game keeping a softball in the air.
Outside of softball games/practice, we have been a social team. Hoagiefest was a well attended event this year, and Ron didn't eat all the damn hoagies. Tucker thought he was a bull, and jumped over a fire pit. Because that's what bulls do, I guess. Some people stayed at Dairy 2 until 6am and called out of work the next day. Lucky for them they were able to call out of work the next day, and didn't disappear. Fairmount park at night is a very dangerous place....
Tonight, we play the Old City Pickle Patties. The line for this game has been set at even. Both teams winless, so this is merely for bragging rights and not ending up with 0 wins, unless we tie. I'm sure Benedict Pickle and Brutus Wittwer are firing up their team with some incendiary remarks about how we say they look like dorks. Doesn't matter.
We need this game.
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