SPTR 18 TFI 7 suspended (darkness)
Weak 1st game. But, the management said before the season that they were going to enjoy their (potential) last year with the team. So this post will only be positive! And say nothing about their LVP-ful 1-3 showing.
Overall: a wet game, not the best of conditions. But not too many errors that we recall. The shortstop had one, there were some bad throws but mainly this came down to hitting and SPTR hit up and down the lineup. That's how you win in this league. That's why we usually win. We didn't do it on Monday. 1st game of the year. The management is unconcerned.
The Good: Timmy Marino threw off the Marino label and hit the ball well to all fields except left and center. C-Roon came back after a 2-year maternity leave to play 2nd base and it's good to have her back on the diamond. We experimented with people in the field to give them some experience at positions they may not play a lot of and they performed admirably (Ed Wagner, Tucker C. Tuckerson). #1 Fan was there as usual. MGMT doesn't remember much of the hitting so we won't say much.
The Bad: Hitting was average (for the Force) for most of the game. 7 runs isn't enough. We also threw the ball around. And the shortstop only had 4 PBRs brought out to him. The first 2 we can live with in the regular season, but the 3rd is inexcusable. SPTR SS Al Heinle drank more.
The TFI mystique (formerly called The Ugly): TFI learned that it still can get into the heads of the opponents. SPTR outfielder John Benson was a victim twice as Forcers were told not to speak while he's swinging and also when JB decided to ridicule the shortstop instead of advancing on an errant throw. Expect even more antics next time.
Quote of the day (idea stolen from SPTR blog):
"Please don't talk during my backswing!"
John Benson
Yeah, JB, we'll get right on that.