Well kids, the time is almost nigh. And The Management has been getting shit all off season for lack of posts. And, in typical Franklin Institute fashion.... Memorial Nick help me say this as hard as possible........
I can't hear you with 5 Championship Rings in my ears!!!!!!!!!
Wow. I need a cigarette now. And a PBR. But not Pam. And certainly not anyone from the Please Touch me.
So, a bit of business. Memorial Nick is officially coach of the Force. Disobey his orders as you would do normally. There are some new additions to the team, Alice's husband has picked up 3 people, one of whom I've met. He's a lightweight so we're gonna have to put him through a tough spring training. Other business. We have 2 scrimmages against the Cherry Street coming up. I don't know when. Buddy is in charge of that. Vegas has the odds at 1:45 Billion that he pulls it off. Also, there is talk of a scrimmage with the Art Museum. As usual, we try to scrimmage with another team, it's been the Tap Room and the Collar and they always fucking bail. What a bunch of vagabonds. So, we'll let you know. Okay, on the fun.
Offseason notes:
Mark Nevins had a baby. The baby was born already with the ability to disappoint on a softball field.
Russ "I have highly contagious incurable penis cancer" Krause has joined the PnP. He brings the average age down about 30 years.
Steve Lynch has been found!!!!! And word is that he'll be playing for the PnP as well although I heard it's a tight race between that happening and him dying from emphysema.
Memorial Nick is consorting with the enemy!!!!! Please inquire about this directly to your new coach.
Buddy is a douche but he's now douching at a 5th grade level.
Brian "Blonde Benson" Willmarth is expecting a child in April. This will not doubt affect his ability to show up and drill people in the back during blowouts.
Jeremy has stepped down from the Tap Room. Alvin and the Tap Room will assume control. We'd say we wish him luck but he's short, old, and smells like carp.
Bob Ford hasn't responded to any texts I've sent him this offseason. Probably the smartest man living in Philly.
Phyllis Demo loves her some double anal reverse cowgirl.
Jake Schulz of the Collar was tackled into a wall. Giggling ensued.
Pickle picked the Management to be on his all-star Zombie Squad. The Management hasn't been this happy since he won his fifth title in a row. Never gets old.
Ed's beard still tickles Pettrucelli's bag.
The Zoo will hit better than the Phillies this year.
Alright, blogging will be more frequent. Send in your offseason story lines.
Softballs! Welcome back!!!!!!!! I have wood. Oh, and as for the picture. I googled "softball is back" and this was the first image that came up. And I have soft place in my heart for both softball and redheads. Good night y'all!!!!!
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