Sorry but The Management does love a

good Chris Farley reference. And you know what else we love? Wins. PBRs. Midgets. Vellia jokes. So, to recap, The Forcs won 14-5 over the Touchies on Dairy 4 last night. This makes The Forcs 4-0 all time against the Touch over the past two years with a total score of 51-14. That's pretty good. Everyone played last night. (hooray!) And for the most part everyone played well. The Franklin 1, 3 and 4 hitters did decide to suck ass for the first part of the game, but picked it up later to ensure the victory. Tucker v. Tuckerson had his typical "look what I found? Now watch me turn a triple play" only to be ruined by the shortstop's inability to think 3. Ryan F. had a hit late in the game. The Marinos had some hits after showing up late with 9 kids (4 theirs). Alice had to come out cause she aggravated her intensity muscle. Defense was really good early and the hitting came alive later. Good win. And as Buddy says, we are guaranteed to be in the playoffs now since we own the tie breaker with The Touch.
The GoodWe now have 3 girls who are playoff eligible. That's good. We swept our season with the Touch. That's also good. We scattered hits throughout the first 4 innings and eventually turned their mistakes into runs in the 5th and 6th. The Salty Vegetable was all over the place at 2nd base, not his typical spot, and The Touch was forced to remove the excess salt and vinegar in between innings. Chris Marino played through the pain of being a Marino, adding a double late in the game and wowing the crowd with a stunning performance of Peek-a-boo! the #1 fan was in attendance as usual but spent most of her time with Delphine. We had a nice Meredith Petruccelli appearance as well. And we had PBRs. Did we forget to mention that? The Management also pitched 9 strong innings after the game striking out Derm 14 times, John Hanlon twice, and Chris Marino 10 times. The Management then hit 4 homeruns off Chris Marino making the it look like a game of RBI Baseball for Nintendo.
The BadOnce again, The Management took himself out and then got nervously drunk. But, that's the price you pay for Excellence. We should have scored more runs again. But that's really okay. The runs will come. Memorial Nick had one of his "I'm diving no matter where this ball is" moments bringing him up to 36 on the season in 10 games. We didn't bring pizza AGAIN! We ran out of Talls. That's pretty depressing. And Memorial Nick won the pregame Beer Toss 4-1-0 over The Management and Kyle Riley who looked like he had never even seen two grown men throw softballs at beer cans. Where did he grow up? Mexico?
The Franklin Mystique (Formerly The Ugly)Apparently, despite not even playing us last week, The Tap Room Leader has a post-game synopsis whereupon he rips The Force and most likely its Management. When a team can bitch two weeks later, you know you're doing something right. The Management has not seen the video, which can be found on the Tap Room's blog, and will not go see it just as he would not go next door to listen to a poodle, yapping away, and trying to piss on your shoe.
The Lumber Liquidators Studs of the WeekTucker v. Tuckerson, double almost triple play, hit, scored a run
Buddy, not wearing a hat, letting it glisten in the sun
Mickey, hits and we haven't mentioned him yet
Paul WatchPrior to the Dairy contests on Tuesday night, members of both The Pen and Pencil Ball Club and the Franklin Forcs met to discuss game strategies. During this conversation a large lurking sleeveless entity strolled up from the treeline and met the onlookers. It was later described as lumbering, station to station, and unable to make sliding catches. The creature sniffed the softball players, grabbed a Miller Lite, and retreated to whence it came. Pictures taken suggest this was not the elusive Paul, but rather the also rare Loch Nevins Monster.
Elsewhere in Mobile, AL, a large collection of sleeves was discovered near a dumpster. They apparently had been removed with scissors. The scissors could not be located by authorities.
Quotes from the game"Why didn't The Management post about my shiny balls last week?"
"Only a very shady manager would try to sub a guy in for a girl in the lineup."
What Fordo Baggins tried to say

"Onwe a wery shady manawer would snub a why for a whirl in the wineup."
What root canal, novocained Fordo Baggins actually said
"Look, ancient dinosaur teeth!"
"No, those are Fordo's."
Memorial Nick
"Does anyone want to move a tub upstairs? I'll give back massages."
"Why do I only sub in for Pete? Is this some lefty conspiracy?"
"Left-handedness is a choice and a sin. You people should be sent to a work camp."
"My daughter hits better than Tim."
"Did I ever tell you about my first kiss with a girl...."
Injurygraham, before realizing that everyone was listening
"Some of us are trying to have our own game over here!"
"Stay away from my girlfriend, Nick!"
"No, we're fine over here."
Alvin's girlfriend
"You know, herpes don't itch as much as the commercials say."