What? No clever lines? No allusions to The Force being mythical beasts, raping and pillaging the helpless citizens of Penciltucky? I thought you were a writer, Ford. You've gotten soft.
Well, Memorial Manager Nick got his first win of the season and celebrated by having the cool, rich PBR ambrosia spilled all over him. Congrats MMN! And congrats Force. We are now 1-1 and somewhere in the middle of pack. Next week we play Alvin and the Tap Room on Edgely 4. MMN has promised a win. The Management has promised he'll be sauced.
Recap14-5 Final. Good all around win. Mostly great defense. (ahem, Renardo, is your last name Marino?) Sound hitting up and down the lineup. Started out with 3 runs in the first on a 3-run bomb by MMN that went so far over Steve Lynch's head. He called the shot a "4 butt-er," as in, it took him 4 cigarettes to chase it down. In the bottom of the 1st, the Peni's collected a bunch of singles but could only muster 1 run. From there the team just kept tacking them on. 2 in the second, 1 in the 3rd, 1 in the 4th, 2 in the 5th, and some other runs later. 2 double plays were turned. Linedrives were caught. And everything came up Milhouse.
The GoodA lot of good. Verne Siebert had 3 hits and almost drilled Fordo. He is now 6-7 on the year or something. He's the best player on the team, just ask him. MMN and the Management had 2 hits. Renardo Marino had 3 hits. Leslie was on a couple of times and played great second base. Alice Kellepregnant showed up. Ed had at least one hit. Tim Marino caught a ball and Ford signed it for him. Chris Marino's vag didn't flare up. Buddy wasn't there. All around great night.
The BadLynch had 2 hits bringing his career average against the Force to .173. MMN and the Management hit back to back infield flies in the 6th. The Management's went further, by the way. Aside from that and the aforementioned Renardo Marino, a well-played game all around. Oh, and the Management was beaten to 2nd base by a diminutive pygmy with bad foot odor who goes by the name of Russ. That sucked.
The Franklin MystiqueAfter the game, PnPnST coach Bob "Oil Can" Ford was seen with tears in his eyes holding an unknown substance. When approached, Ford turned to the Management and said, "It finally happened. Ron turned into dust." And then a slight breeze carried the former Commissioner down the hill and into traffic.
Lumber Liquidator Studs of the WeekVerne
Chandra (she showed up in a cast!)
Benedict Pickle
Mickey (First "shut the fuck up Ryan! I'm not in the mood!" comment. Certainly not the last.
NASDAQ Trade of the WeekThe Management sawed off Pete's bat during batting practice. He now traded in his two halves of a bat for a crisp new one.
Also, pork bellies
Cialis Boner of the WeekDerm pitching. 113 pitches, 8 strikes, 3 of those to Donlen
Paul WatchMark Nevins said a friend of his saw Paul at Bed, Bath, & Beyond pickup up linens. Attempts to verify that information were unsuccessful as the 'friend' was found dead at the bottom of an elevator shaft with multiple 'full nelson' bruises on his neck. Police are investigating.
Benedict Pickle Historical Reference of the WeekApril 26th, 1865. Union troops hunt down and shoot dead John Wilkes Booth, assassin of some guy named Lincoln. Troops hunted him down 12 days after the assassination to a rural farm in Virginia where soldier Boston Corbett acted against orders and gunned down Booth. He and 3 other soldiers were later hanged.
Ed Wagner's Movie of the WeekThe Great OutdoorsPhyllis Demo's Retro Porn Movie of the Week (NSFW)
Poonies, 1985
Quotes From the Week"Somebody is going to have to tell Ron he's going in next inning."
"You'll probably have to tell him twice."
Some PnPnSTer who chose to remain anonymous
"I'm not going to the game cause I have to watch America's 6th best sport."
"Ford, can I get an inside pitch?"
"You got it!"
Oil Can and the Management before the Management tried to foul a ball right at Verne Siebert
"No fraternizing!"
"He caught me guessing."
Donlen after striking out
"Why can't Derm throw strikes?"
"Cause he's sober."
"Oh, so now you want to come over and be friends?"
A very sandy Nevins
"I look like somebody stepped on me."
"No more blogs about Buddy, I want to hear more about Phyllis' boobs."
Alice Kellepregnant
"I had to blow Nick only twice this week to get an at bat. Score!"

Benedict Pickle
"The Fart Museum blog looks like it was written by a 97 year old arthritic woman with glaucoma."
"I'm 6-7 on the season. Guys? Guys? 6-7. Right here."
Verne Siebert
"I'm scared of the Franklin. I'm gonna stay home tonight."
George Miller
"Who wants a mustache ride?"
"Yo, fellas, I hat dat baw so fweakin' haad. Ha ha, my man!"
Lynch before hi-fiving
"I'm the black Marino."
Renardo, earning himself a new nickname and a possible shoe deal