Position: Left/Left bench
Ethnicity: Some kind of Spanish?
Nipple size: medium length, smallish in diameter
Favorite CCSL maneuver: purposefully foul off 10 pitches during twilight
Favorite movie: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Favorite color: orange
Strangest attribute: french-kissing dogs
Favorite CCSL player: Brian Donlen
Favorite Sexual move: Cleveland Steamer
Best quote: Bob Ford runs this team like a Russian primeminister....during the fall of communism
Herpes?: no
Vegas odds to sleep with Phyllis by the end of the season: 16:1
Number of people he can name on the Franklin Institute: 5
Vegas odds of sleeping with Buddy: 35:1
Chances that his last name is really Miller: slim
CCSL attractiveness ranking: 12th
Favorite 1980's WWF wrestler: Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake
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