Well, for the second straight game, the Forcs came out swinging and were up 9-0 after 2 innings. Yay! Then we let them score 4 quick ones right back. Boo! Then back and forth till the score was final. Probably some defensive adjustments contributed to the scoring but as well all know, the Zoo Troopers can swing the bat a little bit. Then we scored another 3 or 4 to get them right back. A lot of good swings, some suspect defense at times, but another win for the defending champs. Zing!
The Good
Finally The Management can do one of these little jobbies with the book in hand. Hits all around! Everyone played! Everyone but Buddy played well! 2 hits for the Black Marino with 3 runs scored. 3 hits for Verne Siebert. 1-1 for Kelleporney, Gonzalez with a hit. Fonio and Benedict Pickle had a hit. Jason Voorhees had a big 4 hit day and is swinging the bat nicely. Mickberg had a hit before taking himself out to coach Alyssa on her swing. Wiggs and Brett Favre had hits. Injurygraham went 2-3 in her first game back from the DL. Ed had 3 hits including his first ever triple. Oxygen and his Monday pills were rushed out the third base after the play. Oh and Tim Marino had some sort of good catch or something. He's a great outfielder, just ask him. Everyone got in and everyone played well! Except Buddy. Who sucks.
The Bad
Gave up 7 runs, but it was okay. They can hit a bit. No big issues except of course for the 5 strikeouts. Buddy! But at least he bought shots at the bar later so most if not all was forgiven.......this time.
The Franklin Mystique
Following the post-game media circus, members of the Forcs retired to Cherry St. for moderately priced chardonnays and hot beefncheeses. Also there was one Stickless Lynch, obviously there with his special lady. After copious hi-fives and "Haha! My Man!"s, Lynch took the Management aside, looked extremely serious and a little perturbed, leaned in close so only the Management could hear him and said, "No. Seriously, haha, my man." The gravity in his voice was palpable and you knew that he really meant it.
Lumber Liquidator Studs of the Week
Everyone except Buddy and Benson
Steve Guttenberg
NASDAQ Trade of the Week
Timberly got a new bat too. Two new bats. First new bats since Nick bought his bat back in dickety 4.
CIALIS Boner of the Week
Duh, Buddy, struck out like you read about
Paul Watch
Local fisherman off the coast of the Atlantic somewhere around North Carolina pulled out of their fishing nets the ancient coelacanth, a deep sea lobe-finned fish originally thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago with the dinosaurs. The fish did not survive the

Benedict Pickle's Historical Reference of the Week
On this date, May 9th, 1992, the final episode of The Golden Girls airs on NBC. Moment of silence. Pour one out for the lost homies.
Wagner's Movie of the Week
Prince of Tides, 1991
Demo's Retro Porn Movie of the Week (NSFW)
Face Jam, 1996
Pounder Tag Season Update
Management beat Memorial Nick on a 1-0 game-shortened game. Management leads the season series 3-1 with 7 Pounds to 4.
Quotes From the Week
"What would constitute a good fan base then? Well?"
"The Orioles."
"Oh, good one."
Brett Favre, Verne, and The Management
"Why am I the Black Marino?"
"You're not, he's the White Renardo."
"That's so cold. How am I a Marino?"
"Don't worry, you're the best looking one of them."
"How many fucking Marinos are there?"
-self explanatory
"Enough of that ole bullshit! Get in front of it Verne Dorn."
"I only play left fie

Brett Favre
"Carol and I are not the same person!"
Carol or Pam, can't tell the difference
"My wife's gonna win the most popular Forc!"
Kellepregnant's husband
"Go Bruins!"
Management to Buddy everytime he did anything....which wasn't often
"Don't snap in half when you run."
MMN to Glassjaw Graham
"We weren't mentioned in the blog much this week."
"I know, so let's make out and pretend that Pickle is filming us."
"I'll get the Crisco."
"Does anyone even know anybody on the Zoo?"
"I know that guy."
"That's Matty."
"Oh, then I guess I don't."
"Okay, remember all that stuff I told you to do last at bat? Well, do the opposite for this one."
Coach Mickowitz
"I'll give you a handy for 3 dollars."
"Can you tell me if this looks normal?"
Ed, talking to Jason, reaching for his trousers
"If you don't get a hit next game, I get to shave you!"
MMN and Buddy
"I don't get it....what does rengaw mean?"
Benedict Pickle
"It means 'I have sex with ducks."
If you go after Buddy with a beard trimmer, I will come at you with a rusty knife and remove your manhood (that is, if you have one). I don't date prepubescent boys, I date bearded men.
ReplyDeleteHugs and kisses,
Also hilarious: the word verification I had to type to post my previous comment was "wang."